Changing attachments is very quick and simple thanks to the multi-purpose quick coupler. You can also use attachments by other manufacturers. The presented attachments are intended to give customers an idea of the possible attachments. The appearance and parameters of individual types may differ depending on the current offer of products.

Multi-purpose bucket

Multi-purpose bucket of a basic width of 120 cm, for loading various types of loose material: sand, soil, gravel, etc. The bucket width and volume depends on the customer's specific requirements.

Earth auger

Earth augers of optional diameters are used for drilling into the soil when putting up fencing, planting trees, collecting soil samples or for other earthwork.


Backhoes are useful for digging trenches or building foundations. So-called mini-backhoes, controlled by the machine's arm, are available for work of a smaller scope.

Univerzální lžíce
Půdní vrták

Palette fork

A fork for working with palettes, including supporting face frame. Thanks to this auxiliary equipment you no longer need a high-lift truck.


Silage fork with grab

Silage forks equipped with a hydraulic piston are ideal for handling straw, cut branches, dung, etc. Most appropriate for use in agricultural and forestry work.

Winter salt spreader

The salt or sand spreader is used for winter maintenance of roads.

Paletizační vidle
Vidle s přidržovačem
Zimní sypač soli

Snow sweeper

A brush for sweeping snow, gravel or leaves, suitable for maintaining pavements, car parks, paths, industrial complexes, artificial grass and sports grounds.

Snow blower

The snow blower is used for removing snowdrifts. Ideal for removing fresh or compacted snow.


Snowploughs of optional widths and heights, intended for quickly removing snow from roads or large areas.

Zametač na sníh
Sněhová fréza
Sněhová radlice

Single-axel trailer

Single-axel trailers for transporting material with removable sides. Double-axel trailers are available if a larger capacity is required.

Lawn mower

The lawnmower is the most popular of the auxiliary attachments. Comfortable mowing of larger grassed areas in a large garden, in the park or on the farm.

Stump cutter

A hydraulic drive stump cutter is a special auxiliary attachment for removing tree stumps in various terrains.

Jednoosý vlek
Sekačka na trávu
Pařezová fréza


VOP CZ, s.p., Dukelská 102

742 42 Šenov u Nového Jičína

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 556 783 111

E-mail: dapper@vop.cz

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